Just A Moment Windows 10 Fix
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Most posts talk about upgrading to windows 10 however this is a brand new PC purchased yesterday. I'm helping a co-worker set it up and of course something happens I cant figure out. Problem: I just started setting up this computer and got through the Security portion (where you say no to Microsoft stealing all your info even though they'll do. Instead, you may see a “Just a moment” prompt for a prolonged period. If you come across this issue, then hold down the power button until the system shuts down completely. Now, turn on the system again and the OOBE procedure should resume as well as complete without any further interruptions.
Keep it civil and on topic. When I got stuck. I hit alt - tab and I noticed there was another window running in the background.
It was the setup window to my razer naga mouse. I couldn't access it though.So what I think is happening is that its trying to set up your devices automatically. But If these devices have some sort of forced set up wizard it'll get stuck in that endless loop. Because it's waiting for you to run through the setup.What fixed it for me was just skipping the whole logging in to the Microsoft account thing. Instantly just took me to setting up a local user account.OR you're incountering something completely different and you can ignore me. Gta 3 map mod.
In my opinion Windows 10 is a POS,& a fucking nightmare.Man, trying to find,& install the correct drivers for my hardware is a fucking nightmare There's one solution maybe I should unplug all of my external devices,& hope that this stupid windows 10 will install,but than I better not expect my external devices to be compatible with this shit.Man, it's a nightmare. I should also add that, for the sake of this video, as I had mentioned in my previous video, I gave up on installing windows 10,& installed Linux after going though the histrionics with windows 10's trial & tribulations,so I am happier with Linux,so I just down loaded the Linux ISO file into a flash drive USB,& was good to go. Think of this video as a belated video in the series of where I left off previously.

Fix My Windows 10 Free
I just didn't have time to load up this video.