Best Gunslinger Perks Kf2
Gunslinger might be the best perk to ever happen to KF2. Not a lot has been released about it regarding what it's specialty is (super fast run 'n gun?
There are currently 10 Perks in Killing Floor 2: the Berserker, the Commando, the Support, the Field Medic, the Demolitionist, the Firebug, the Gunslinger, the Sharpshooter, the Survivalist and the SWAT. The Berserker is the shield that keeps Zeds away from your squad by cutting them down like a rapid lawnmower. All Berserkers specialize in close combat weaponry, but their skill choices let them focus on either being a damage resistant dreadnaught who refuses to go down, or a fleet-footed skirmisher dishing out violence by the truckload.
Quick reloads?) but one thing is for sure: The gunslinger's primary weapons will double as other perks' secondary or tertiary weapons. OF COURSE no one in their right mind would sacrifice their tier 2 or 3 weapons to hold onto a pistol but think about it. Everyone wants more firepower or damage capabilities and the gunslinger is coming with a bunch of (probably and hopefully) very lightweight alternatives to the M9 handgun. So now we have a solution for a low- level Demo who doesn't want to waste RPG ammo on trash and can now hold a Desert Eagle and fire a couple shots to behead a screaming siren before shooting into the crowd instead of pumping 15 shots of M9 9mm into her.
Now all of you Berserkers can now skip the Nailgun (as much as I actually do enjoy using it) and use a nice pair of handcannons to thin out zeds from a distance as a backup. I've seen people successfully roll with several weapons from 2 or 3 different perks depending on their play-style, and I think that Gunslinger will encourage this behavior. In other words the Gunslinger is going to give every class the option to grab an inexpensive and lightweight backup that will do more damage than the M9.
Depending on the weight of the handguns, you may be able to squeeze in an entirely extra weapon into your loadout to slam the zeds with every round. So as you can see by now I don't think the Gunslinger will be the BEST in regards to overall damage or kill output but it might be the best perk in terms of offering weaponry to other classes that could give a really valuable off-perk weapon.
In KF1 I can't tell you how many times I played as Firebug or as Demo and brought along a revolver to pop some heads despite how OP the vanilla M9 was. And now with the lack of handguns being native to Sharpshooter, these pistols from Gunslinger should give the Sharpshooter a bit more firepower up-close and at midrange instead of simply long range. Overall I just think that, assuming they are lightweight and relatively cheap, the handguns brought in by Gunslinger will help bring balance to lopsided perks. Plus depending on how heavy the handguns are, the Gunslinger should be able to hold 3 dual-wielded weapons, such as dual M9, dual 1911's, and dual 500 Magnums simultanesously. I don't care how much damage it does, that's going to be fun.TL;DR: The Gunslinger may come with a lot of inexpensive, lightweight handguns to replace the 9mm M9 to give everyone a cheap alternative edge against zeds early on in the game, possibly balancing perks out a bit, therefore making it the 'best' in terms of complimenting or helping other classes in terms of off-perk weapons.I know a lot of this was based on speculation, but what do you guys think?
My main worry is that the gunslinger himself will be largely underwhelming, especially when considering his T1 and T2 weapons.The tier 1 (1858 Remington Revolver), if I recall uses a caliber that's more or less comparable to the M1911, albeit in the form of musket balls instead of rifled bullets.As for the M1911, it's the kind of weapon that's often in the same tier as the Beretta 92FS in every other game. If you take into account both the mag size and power difference between 9mm and.45 ACP, I dunno if the weapon would be better off as a Level 5 perk milestone. You do know the medic pistol already does this for demo and every other perk? Medic pistol is the mk23 of KF1, allowing one shot headshots for gorefast and lower with the addition to heal teammates and it's only 200 dosh and weighs only 1 KG. What you forgot is that the higher tier weapons for gunslinger will more than likely be slow to reload when used off perk, and the ammo pool won't be as high as a medic pistol.I would stick with medic pistol for trash unless the ammo pool and weight for the other pistols when gunslinger is released is worth it. Originally posted by:Learn how to use paragraphs please. Learn how to use comments that actually contribute to the conversation please.I would if I could read your post without it being such a pain to look at, causing me to lose my place in the text.Here, I'll do it for you:Gunslinger might be the best perk to ever happen to KF2.
Not a lot has been released about it regarding what it's specialty is (super fast run 'n gun? Quick reloads?) but one thing is for sure: The gunslinger's primary weapons will double as other perks' secondary or tertiary weapons.OF COURSE no one in their right mind would sacrifice their tier 2 or 3 weapons to hold onto a pistol but think about it. Everyone wants more firepower or damage capabilities and the gunslinger is coming with a bunch of (probably and hopefully) very lightweight alternatives to the M9 handgun.So now we have a solution for a low- level Demo who doesn't want to waste RPG ammo on trash and can now hold a Desert Eagle and fire a couple shots to behead a screaming siren before shooting into the crowd instead of pumping 15 shots of M9 9mm into her. Now all of you Berserkers can now skip the Nailgun (as much as I actually do enjoy using it) and use a nice pair of handcannons to thin out zeds from a distance as a backup. I've seen people successfully roll with several weapons from 2 or 3 different perks depending on their play-style, and I think that Gunslinger will encourage this behavior.In other words the Gunslinger is going to give every class the option to grab an inexpensive and lightweight backup that will do more damage than the M9.
Depending on the weight of the handguns, you may be able to squeeze in an entirely extra weapon into your loadout to slam the zeds with every round.So as you can see by now I don't think the Gunslinger will be the BEST in regards to overall damage or kill output but it might be the best perk in terms of offering weaponry to other classes that could give a really valuable off-perk weapon. In KF1 I can't tell you how many times I played as Firebug or as Demo and brought along a revolver to pop some heads despite how OP the vanilla M9 was.
And now with the lack of handguns being native to Sharpshooter, these pistols from Gunslinger should give the Sharpshooter a bit more firepower up-close and at midrange instead of simply long range.Overall I just think that, assuming they are lightweight and relatively cheap, the handguns brought in by Gunslinger will help bring balance to lopsided perks. Plus depending on how heavy the handguns are, the Gunslinger should be able to hold 3 dual-wielded weapons, such as dual M9, dual 1911's, and dual 500 Magnums simultanesously.
I don't care how much damage it does, that's going to be fun.TL;DR: The Gunslinger may come with a lot of inexpensive, lightweight handguns to replace the 9mm M9 to give everyone a cheap alternative edge against zeds early on in the game, possibly balancing perks out a bit, therefore making it the 'best' in terms of complimenting or helping other classes in terms of off-perk weapons.I know a lot of this was based on speculation, but what do you guys think?I also think that the entire topic is based on a false premise of pure speculation. Chances are that if the guns weigh 2 or more, then they won't be useful in an off-perk arsenal. And even if they were, if they're balanced as to have the Gunslinger perk boost their damae by levelling, they will be underpowered for everyone else.
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Hey KF Family. I recently downloaded KF2 after playing COD online often. It's an amazingly fun change!Ive been a lurker on here for the past week.What is HOE acronym rhat I've seen on the forums mean?Im struggling to find the 'best' overall class. If it helps, I do not prefer medic, firebug, demo, or survivalist.My highest levels so far are Sharpshooter (4), Gunslinger (4), and Berserker (4). Zerk is four because I did not know about the perk system.I enjoy the feeling of the Sharpshooters initial gun (Winchester 1894), however not a fan of the crossbow.
The freeze grenade comes in handy. Twelve shots don't seem nearly enough.Gunslinger - love the dual revolvers, very powerful and nail grenade rocks. However six bullets go really quickly.I guess I'm looking for moderate accommodations, powerful and is a good overall route to pursue.I know on the PS4 you hold square to unlock the first set of skills, which I'm sure will play into the playability and 'fun' of a all my research - I've heard a lot of people crap on Commando, Survivalist, Swat and Medic. I've played all of them but not even to level one.So as far as being new to KF family, what's the best, most exciting route?
In COD I've used the same Automatic rifle in all of them.thanks for for the help and sorry for the newb questions.Clint. Each perk is good in solo, but in Multiplayer with other players they start getting worse(more shots to kill). SWAT and Commando are really identical in their playstyle, but SWAT has something Commando doesn't, and that's the flashbang. You can throw it and stun ALL enemies except the boss. After stunning a Fleshpound(guy with grinder arms) or a Scrake(chainsaw arm guy), your team and you should be able to easily pop their heads when filling it with lead.
The SWAT's SMG's fire really fast at a cost of lower damage and vice versa for the Commando. Commando's and SWAT'S should be killing each enemy of lower to medium tier but in a different way. The SWAT would be spraying all over trying to kill a cluster of them and the Commando should be focusing on a single target until he is dead before moving onto the next. Though, it really depends on your playstyle and how you think the perk should be played.Moving onto the Gunslinger and Sharpshooter, which are also identical. Gunslinger deals high damage with a higher rate of fire and the Sharpshooter can do the same but at a medium amount of damage(Lever Action Rifle and M14) or he can deal extreme amounts of damage with a slow rate of fire(Crossbow and Railgun).
The difference between them is that the Gunslinger deals higher damage overall with his magnums and desert eagle, can shoot his guns faster, but reloads them slower, and that's mostly about it.The Medic being crapped on is something I have no idea about(I'm assuming it's the new skill tree that people don't like) but he's the best healer and can keep your entire team alive as long as you aren't stupid enough to run into enemies and get continously hit by them.As a perk suggestion, I'd go for Commando, Sharpshooter and Demolitionist. The Demolitionist is the best against the big guys and the bosses(especially the Nazi gas guy) with his RPG and C4. Though, remember that the Chainsaw arm guy Scrake resists explosives but takes a high amount of damage from RPG headshots. The Commando as I've said earlier is really good to take out the trash tier enemies and can mess up the big guys(especially the Scrake) if you can destroy their heads.
Sharpshooter is in the middle, it's a bit tough to deal with low tier enemies if you can't go for headshots but his Crossbow and Railgun mess up the big guys. Though, what perk you like or want to play as is your choice mate, don't listen to what others tell you, but try to lead the team to victory and play as the role that is most required.Edit:As Zidious said, HoE stands for Hell on Earth, the highest difficulty. Sui is a shorter way of saying suicidal which is the second highest difficulty. Great info for you to digest has already given. It's funny, but playing so much in both KF games, I have found that everyone's preference for the perk they play is different.
The easy answer for you in 'What Is The Best Perk' is play them all, learn their play styles and get a feel for which class appeal to you and you feel you play the best. This will tend to be the 'Best Perk' for YOU!I have seen really good players in one class but if they change classes, they ain't so good. They have actually offered less to the team. I always tell players that come on to our servers and they ask a question like yours, 'Play what you like, just have fun.' I answer them that way because, if they are playing what they like and are having fun, then 9 times out of 10, they are playing well and are an asset to the team's success.
Enjoy and welcome lurker!;-). I would recommend the support class, it was my first perk to lvl inf k1 and kf2. It is also currently one of the more powerful perks in the game, being able to kill and controle groups of trash thanks to shotgun spread and penetretaion, while at the same time being able to combat larger zeds thanks to his overall high dps and ammo pool.i dont want to start anything here and i mean no offense but the post above mine has several errors which im now going to try to correct.
Blame my latent ocd.SWAT has something Commando doesn't - no mention of commandos ability to extent zed time, make invisible foes visible or see the zeds healthbars which are all unique abilities of the perk.Moving onto the Gunslinger and Sharpshooter, which are also identical. None of the perks are identical, if they were there would be no reason to have a perk systemThe difference between them is that the Gunslinger deals higher damage overall with his magnums and desert eagle, can shoot his guns faster, but reloads them slower, and that's mostly about it. the sharpshooter relies on headshots only whereas the gunslinger can bodyshot trash (you can also see the difference in their passive damage boosts), also he has an inherent speed boost which the sharpshooter doesnt have. There is a number of other differences, the easiest way to compare is to take a look at active and passive skills.
Best Gunslinger Perks Kf2 Mods
Ofc weapons should also be consideredThe Demolitionist is the best against the big guys and the bosses(especially the Nazi gas guy) with his RPG and C4.- The nazi gas guy, Dr. Hans Volter has explosive resistance just like the scrake, thus the demo is a poor choice (although it is good against the patriarch). Also i highly recommend using the m79 as secondary weapon over the c4. If you're used to COD then SWAT & Commando will probably be closer to what you're used to, they're both lots of fun to play, and while similar have a few key differences. Gunslinger is probably a bit trickier to play, but satisfying once you get into the groove.Commando - good up close, and at range. It's primarily meant to take on trash (which isn't a knock against it, there's lots of trash to deal with!).
Once it's levelled up you can take on Scrakes if you aim for the face (at least on Hard, I've only just started playing on Suicidal). The explosive grenades mean you can contribute to taking down Fleshpounds, but you do only have 5 of them - so after 1 or 2 Fleshpounds you'll be relying on your team.
The commando also extends Zed time, and uncloaks stalkers - which is very useful for you and your team!SWAT - is similar in that it deals with trash, his weapons have reduced range and damage per shot, but bigger mags and a higher rate of fire. His flashbangs stun Scrakes, and FPs - allowing you and everyone else to dump ammo into them before they recover. He also can tank a bit of damage by taking heavier armour.Gunslinger - good against trash, but it leans more towards taking down tougher zeds.
I found it was easier to use dual Desert Eagles instead of the Magnums for everything besides Scrakes and Fleshpounds. He can hold his own in most situations as long as you make the shots count.Finally, while I do personally really enjoy the Survivalist, it's not the best perk to start with. Other perks have a clear focus, and it's difficult to play a jack of all trades if you're not sure what those other trades even do yet. It's also been a bit polarising for players, so I wouldn't be surprised if they give it a revamp in the near future. The rest of the perks are pretty much locked down.Hope that helps!
I'm surprised no one has suggested zerk (other than PurpleFanta). A zerk with an eviscerator can easily take down scrakes and fleshpounds without getting hit on 6man HoE., can parry the big zeds if things do go wrong, and help with decaps. Zerk also has some great skills, allowing you to become great at kiting, tanking, and dealing damage.As for taking down fleshpounds as a Commando, please DO NOT throw your grenades at it if your team is going for a decap, or comprised primarily of headshotters. Grenades only do body damage, so if they are headshotting it, not only are you not contributing to the decap (so it won't die any faster), you will probably stumble it or at least obscure it from the people trying to shoot at its head. If you have a demo and/or a zerk with a pulveriser who have already engaged it, then your grenades might be useful.Commando is great for assisting big zed kills, whether that be by clearing trash around it or by helping to decap it, but is not so great at soloing the big zeds on 6man HoE. Don't get me wrong, it can be done fairly easily for scrakes, but often requires the situation to be just right, and there's probably other perks around you that can do it faster and safer, while you help them out by clearing the trash or shooting at it too.If you're used to COD, Commando is probably a familiar perk.
It's also quite simple to learn, and is useful in most situations. It's probably a good starting point, but as others have said, play whatever you like, you might find something that you prefer or are better at.After playing a bit more, with high level medics who are focused on healing, you'll probably realise that medic is an extremely useful perk, and makes matches so much easier.A 6man HoE scrake/fleshpound refers to a scrake/fleshpound with the most health that you'll find in the standard game.
The health of (big) zeds goes up with each difficulty level, as well as with more players. One class recommendation: SWAT.
Best Gunslinger Perks Kf2 Build
The reasoning is simple: SWAT has no major weakpoints and doesn't have a learning curve if you're used to playing FPS games. Thanks to those flashbangs, even the Scrakes and Fleshpounds are easy enough to take down. Don't even need teamwork. Major plus sometimes. By comparison, a Commando really struggles to take down heavies. When I play that class, I don't bother using an assault rifle on them, I just pull out a sword/pulverizer off-perk.Two class recommendation: you should get a second class that specializes in heavy damage against Scrakes, FPs, and the final boss. In other words: anything except for Medic, Firebug, Commando, and possibly Survivalist.
Pick your class based on your team composition. Also, just before boss rounds I like to switch to one of: Gunslinger, Sharpshooter, Demolition, or Support. Support is tricky against bosses though. You need to be close to the boss to do damage.
Yet you have no speed (gunslinger, beserker, survivalist, medic), damage reduction (beserker, survivalist), nor parrying (beserker) advantages to keep you alive.You can level two classes simultaneously too: I love spawning as a SWAT, get free armor perk and a second 9mm. At wave 3 I'll buy a MP7/P90. At wave 5 switch to Sharpshooter and get a Railgun. Keep the submachine gun for taking out trash. A high level Sharpshooter currently takes out Scrakes in a single headshot and Fleshpounds in two (the second shot can use the aim assist alt firing mode and still have enough damage).
This is true on the highest difficulty with 6 players.the original poster was looking for something COD like. I don't think Beserker is that.
But I don't play COD either. You do make a great point though: if you can't take down a Scrake/Fleshpound quickly and safely yourself, you should ignore it and focus on trash zeds so your teamates can handle it or at least give them the chance to land high damage shots while it's not enraged. Also, if a Fleshpound is enraged and coming for you, pull out a melee weapon and parry it. Even a knife helps a bit. It will then go back to normal happy yellow and you'll take significantly less damage. Don't play tag with Scrakes though.
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