Sap Auction In Sd
Hi Friends, Can we handle Scrap Auction from SRM in which we have to select highest price bidder. And do sales process through that price after approvals. Thanks and Regards, Anil Agarwal. Nov 11, 2016 List of Important SAP SD Tables (Sales and Distribution): list of the most used tables in SAP SD including Customer, Sales Documents, Delivery and Billing.
A Sales order is a request made by a customer to the company for delivery of some defined quantity of goods or a service in a specific time period. The Structure of a Sales OrderAn inquiry from a customer consists of one or more items that contains the quantity of a material or service entered in the order. The quantity in a sales order is further divided into business lines and comprises of various subsets and delivering dates. The items mentioned in the Sales order are combined in a hierarchy and allows to differentiate between batches or to use combinations of materials. All the valid conditions on these items are mentioned in item conditions. These conditions for an item can be derived via a full condition and can be valid for the entire sales order.You can divide an item to multiple billing plan deadlines and each of them will tell you the time, when a fixed amount of the item is to be billed.VA02 − Edit a Sales Order.VA03 − Display a Sales Order.T-Code − VA01 Create a Sales OrderA new window will open, then you can enter the below details −Enter the Order Type, below order types are available. Enter the sales organization, distribution channel and division.
You can also click on Create with Reference option to open a Sales order with reference to an inquiry or even a quotation. CRCredit MemoGKMaster ContactKAConsignment Pick-upKBConsignment fill-upKEConsignment issueFDDelivery free of chargeCQQuantity contractSDSubsequent Del. Free of chargeKRConsignment returnsDRDebit memo requestPVItem ProposalREReturnsRKInvoice correction requestRZReturns scheduling agreementSORush orderORStandard OrderOnce you click on Create with Reference, a new window will open. Enter the Quotation number and click on Copy.It will open a new window. Enter the following details −. Enter Ship-To-Party, Purchase Order and Date.
Enter the Required Delivery Date. Enter the item details.In VA01, it allows you to enter header data and item data. Then to enter Header data, click on Goto Tab → Header and select header data. The next step is to click on the Goto tab → Item → select item data and once done click on OK.After this you can click on the save icon at the top. You will get a confirmation message −.
Sap Sd Overview
A sales contract is a legal agreement that not only has all the essential elements of a sales order but also has a validity period. By signing a sales contract, the seller agrees to supply the goods and services to the customer, and the customer agrees to receive and pay for the goods and services as per the terms and conditions of the contract. The breach of a contract has its own consequences and can lead to penalties and other related fees. Because of its legally binding nature, a sales contract provides an exact picture of the current period of revenues and the future period of revenues and thus also serves as a revenue assurance tool to the companies.A sales contract in SAP is nothing but another sales document type you define via transaction code VOV8, but with a few more functionalities that are made possible by the use of the set of fields available specifically for contracts.
You create a contract document in SAP using transaction code VA41 or menu path Logistics ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales Contract ➢ Create. You can create a contract for goods as well as services.Unlike a sales order, a contract document does not contain a schedule line or requested delivery date.
You maintain the validity of the contract using the Valid From and Valid To fields available at the header level on the contract entry screen. You can maintain the contract validity at the header level, and this validity is then applicable to the complete document.
To capture the contractual data into a contract sales document, SAP provides a contract tab in the sales document customization transaction VOV8. To activate this contract tab for your document type, you need to make a selection when customizing the contract document type. You can have a header pricing procedure and an item pricing procedure for a contract.
A contract in SAP can lead directly to a billing document (such as service contracts) or can be copied to an order followed by a delivery and then a billing document (quantity contracts).Contracts section from the VOV8 customization screenLet’s take a look at these customizing fields in VOV8:Pricing Procedure Condition Header/Pricing Procedure Condition ItemUnlike a sales document, where you generally set up a pricing master record before creating the transactional sales document, the pricing for a contract can be set up while creating the contract document itself. This is really beneficial in situations where you sign up a fixed lump-sum value contract with your customer, leaving very limited space for setting up masters because each contract has a different price, and it does not follow any price list/rate card. Sometimes a service sale that includes a variant configuration also comes under this category. The header pricing procedure PABR01 with condition type PKAR and item pricing procedure PABR02 with condition type PPAR and PPAG are provided in the standard SAP system for such purposes. When you create the contract, the pricing is saved with a reference of the contract number.Contract Profile Here you assign the default contract profile for your contract document that in turn controls the contract start and end dates rule, default validity period for the contract, cancellation procedure to be used when the contract is cancelled, subsequent action required in case the contract is expired or about to expire, and action date rule that calculates the date when that subsequent action is supposed to take place.
You set up these date rules and the contract profile when customizing the contract data using menu path IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data.Billing Request Here you assign the billing request type that you would like to use to initiate the billing processing for your contract document.Group Reference Procedure This field is relevant for the master contracts document setup. Here you assign a reference procedure that defines the rules according to which data from a master contract is copied over to lower-level contracts.Contract Data Allowed Here you define whether your sales document type should allow the contract data screens to show up when you are entering a sales transaction using your sales document type. You can choose X to allow the contract data for the sales document, you can use Y to force the item contract data to flow from the header contract data, and you can leave the value in this field blank to suppress the contract data screens for your sales document type.Follow Up Activity Type When a contract document is about to expire, you can use the follow-up action work list to trigger the subsequent follow-up activity. For example, you may define the follow-up activity as creating a quotation or mail to the account manager, or initiating a telesales call to customer, and so on. In SAP, follow-up activities can be identified based on the follow-up activity types. Here you enter the follow-up activity type that you want SAP to propose when you run the follow-up work lists.Subsequent Order Type When you run the subsequent processing for an expired contract, SAP uses this field to automatically propose the default document type for subsequent processing such as a quotation for a new contract.Check Partner Authorizations This field is used with quantity contracts with release orders.
In real world, there may be situations where a customer may designate only a few branch offices to make a release against the sales contract, and therefore SAP provides you with the field check partner authorizations in the sales document type customization. If you select A in this field, SAP allows any partner in the quantity contract with partner type AG (sold-to party) or AA (party authorized to release) to release the contract. Selecting B in this field allows any partner to release the contract who holds a lower position in the customer hierarchy than the sold-to party of the contract.
Leaving this field blank makes it wide open for any partners to release the contract.Update Lower Level Contracts This check box is provided in SAP for master contracts. If you want to update the flow when a master contract is copied to a lowerlevel contract, select this check box in the customization of the master contract.Common Customizations in Sales ContractsWe’ll now explain the various customization settings that are common for all the contract document types.Define Validity Period CategoryThe va idity period category is a two-character key that SAP uses to propose the validity periods in a contract. The key is assigned to a contract profile from where it defaults to the contract document.
You can use the validity period category as one of the key terms in pricing determination for contracts and also in statistical evaluations on contracts.You can define a validity period category key by using transaction code VOVO or by following the menu path IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Define Validity Period Categories. The customization screen for defining the validity period category.Defining the validity period categoryTo define your own validity period category, provide a two-character identification key starting with a Y or Z.
Specify a validity period value and the unit for the validity period in the Val.Period and Unit Val.Period fields, and provide a meaningful description for your validity category. Available choices for Unit Val.Period are 1 (day), 2 (week), 3 (month), and 4 (year). For the Z5 validity period category in Figure 7.42, we maintained 2 as the validity period, chose 4 as the unit for the validity period, and provided a description, thus creating a two-year validity period represented by category Z5.Rules for Determining DatesHere you define the rules for determining the start and end dates for your contracts. The transaction code is VOVP, and the menu path is IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Define Rule For Determining Dates. The two-date determination rules that were defined for Galaxy Musical Instruments. Rule Z2 is for determining the end date for the contract as today’s date + two years, and rule Z1 determines the date when a follow-up action on the contract should be due, in other words, two months prior to the contract’s end date. Both the rules use factory calendar ZZ – factory calendar US (the one we defined in Chapter 2, “Enterprise Structure”) to determine the number of working days.Defining rules for determining dates (rule Z1)Defining rules for determining dates (rule Z2)Controlling Contract CancellationsHere you define the cancellation rules for your contracts.
The setup activity involves setting up cancellation reasons, setting up cancellation procedures, setting up cancellation rules, and assigning cancellation rules to cancellation procedures.Defining cancellation reasons Here you define various cancellation reasons that exist in your organization for terminating a contract. Once defined in customizing, you can use these cancellation reasons in contract documents to cancel a particular line item or to cancel a complete contract document. The transaction code is VOVQ, and the menu path is IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Control Cancellation ➢ Define Cancellation Reasons. Various cancellation reasons we created for Galaxy Musical Instruments.Defining cancellation reasonsDefining cancellation procedure A cancellation procedure is a four-character key that controls the cancellation process for a sales document. The transaction code is VOVM, and the menu path is IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Control Cancellation ➢ Define Cancellation Procedures. The cancellation procedure that we created for Galaxy.Defining cancellation proceduresDefining cancellation rules Here you set up the contract’s cancellation-specific rules.
The transaction code is VOVL, and the menu path is IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Control Cancellation ➢ Define Cancellation Rules. The cancellation rule we created for Galaxy.Defining cancellation rulesAssigning cancellation rules to cancellation procedures Finally, you assign the cancellation rules to cancellation procedures. The transaction code is VOVN, and the menu path is IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Control Cancellation ➢ Assign Cancellation Rules And Cancellation Procedures. The cancellation procedure assignment for Galaxy.Assigning cancellation rules to proceduresContract ProfileA contract profile controls the contract start and end dates rule, default validity period for the contract, cancellation procedure to be used when the contract is cancelled, subsequent action required in case the contract is expired or about to expire, and action date rule that calculates the date when that subsequent action is supposed to take place.
You set up these date rules and contract profiles when customizing the contract data using menu path IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Documents ➢ Contracts ➢ Contract Data ➢ Define Contract Profiles. The contract profile defined for Galaxy Musical Instruments.Defining a contract profileQuantity ContractsA quantity contract is a type of contract where your customer agrees to purchase a certain quantity of your product within a certain period of time but the information related to delivery scheduling, such as when, where, and how many quantities will be required, might not be available at the time of the contract.
This delivery scheduling information is provided later by the customer as individual purchase orders referring to the sales contract. An example of the quantity contract is when, to get bulk-purchase benefits (discounts, for example), your customer’s head office signs a sales contract with you for a certain quantity of your product, at a particular rate, zder3and with a year validity, but you receive the delivery schedule information from the individual branch offices in the form of release orders against the contract, as and when they require the product in the next one-year period.n SAP, you handle the quantity contracts via document type CQ. The processing of a quantity contract in SAP. The process starts with the creation of a quantity contract using the document type CQ by providing all the necessary information into the contract such as the customer, contracted quantity, validity period, contracted rate, and so on.
The contracted quantity of product is maintained in the target quantity field in the quantity contract. When you receive the individual customer purchase order, you create a release order with reference to the quantity contract using order type OR.
SAP then maintains the released quantity in the order quantity field in the quantity contract, thus providing you with a control over contracted vs. Released quantity. This also helps you in booking and backlogs reporting for quantity contracts. The release order also updates the document flow and is later processed like a normal sales order falling into delivery and billing.Quantity contract processingService and Maintenance ContractsA service contract in SAP is used to record and process service-related transactions between the service provider and service recipient. These transactions can be periodic in nature or once-off services. Introduction To Sales And Distribution.Enterprise Structure.Master Data In Sd.Partner, Text, And Output Determination.Pricing And Tax Determination.Availability Check, Transfer Of Requirements, And Backorders.Sales.Shipping And Transportation.Billing.Account Assignment And Revenue Recognition.Credit Management.Material Determination, Listing, Exclusion, And Proposal.Serial Numbers And Batch Management.Advanced Techniques.