Classic Guitar Scale Chart Pdf
Here's a free guitar scales pdf ebook (22 pages ) with plenty of scales and arpeggios patterns. For each scale, you can learn a number of different shapes and patterns, depending on the zone of the fretboard you're working on.
In this lesson we are going to be taking a look at 5 basic open position major scales for guitar. Specifically the keys of C, G, D, A and E.
Classic Guitar Scale Chart Pdf Printable
Those are commonly known as the “guitar keys”.Often when first learning how to play guitar, the journey starts in the open position. The open position on the guitar includes the open strings, and the notes in the first 4 frets. Guitar Major Scales in the Open Position(Complete Video Guitar Lesson)Below is the complete video guitar lesson covering all 5 open position guitar scales in the keys of C, G, D, A and E. Lower on the page you will find the video guitar lessons for each key individually. Open Position C Major Scale Notes on the GuitarBelow is a guitar fretboard chart with all of the notes in the key of C major in the open position. Be sure and check out the lesson for more info on like below.Open Position C Major Scale – Notes & Guitar TablatureBelow you will find the standard music notation for a C major scale with the fingering to use underneath on the top staff. Then on the bottom staff you will find the guitar tablature and note names.With all of the open position major scales on guitar in this lesson, you will be playing the full range of notes available in the position.
So rather than just going from C to C up and down, here is how the scales will be played.In the case of the C major scale below, you will start on the lowest C in the position. Which is on the 5th string at the 3rd fret.
Then instead of going up to C, you will instead go down to the lowest note in the position, which is an E note on the 6th string open.Then you will work your way all the way up to the highest note in the position. Which is the G note on the 1st string at the 3rd fret. Then come back down to end where you started on the lowest C note on the 5th string at the 3rd fret.Open Position G Major Scale For GuitarNext up we are going to take a look at the key of G major.
A G major scale is the notes from G to G, but with an F# (F sharp).G Major Scale = G A B C D E F# G(Video Guitar Lesson – G Major Scale Open Position). Open Position G Major Scale Notes on the GuitarBelow is a guitar fretboard chart with all of the notes in the key of G in the open position.Open Position G Major Scale – Notes & Guitar TablatureBelow you will find the standard music notation for a G major scale with the fingering to use underneath on the top staff. Then on the bottom staff you will find the guitar tablature and note names.Open Position D Major Scale for GuitarNext up we are going to take a look at the key of D major. A D major scale is the notes from D to D, but with an F# (F sharp) and C# (C sharp).D Major Scale = D E F# G A B C# D(Video Guitar Lesson – D Major Scale Open Position). Open Position D Major Scale Notes on the GuitarBelow is a guitar fretboard chart with all of the notes in the key of D in the open position.Open Position D Major Scale – Notes & Guitar TablatureBelow you will find the standard music notation for a D major scale with the fingering to use underneath on the top staff.
Then on the bottom staff you will find the guitar tablature and note names.There are actually 2 different version below. The top one stays in first position with you using your 2nd 3rd and 4th fingers on the 2nd 3rd and 4th frets.
The 2nd version shift up to the 2nd position with open strings and uses your 1st 2nd and 3rd fingers on the 2nd 3rd and 4th frets. It is very common when playing scales on the guitar to shift up one position if you end up not using your first finger at all for 2 or more strings.D Major Scale Open Position – Version 1D Major Scale Open Position – Version 2Open Position A Major Scale for GuitarNext up we are going to take a look at the key of A major. An A major scale is the notes from A to A, but with an F# (F sharp), C# (C sharp) and G# (G sharp).A Major Scale = A B C# D E F# G# A(Video Guitar Lesson – A Major Scale Open Position). Open Position A Major Scale Notes on the GuitarBelow is a guitar fretboard chart with all of the notes in the key of A in the open position.Open Position A Major Scale – Notes & Guitar TablatureBelow you will find the standard notation for a A major scale with the fingering to use underneath on the top staff. Then on the bottom staff you will find the tablature and note names.Just like with the key of D there are 2 different versions below. The top on stays in first position with you using your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th frets.The 2nd version shift up to the 2nd position with open strings and uses your 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th frets. There is also a quick shift back to the 1st position for the G# note on the 1st fret of the 3rd string.
So you end up playing 2 notes in a row with your first finger.A Major Scale Open Position – Version 1A Major Scale Open Position – Version 2Open Position E Major ScaleNext up we are going to take a look at the key of E major. An A major scale is the notes from E to E, but with an F# (F sharp), C# (C sharp), G# (G sharp) and D# (D sharp).E Major Scale = E F# G# A B C# D# E(Video Guitar Lesson – E Major Scale Open Position). Open Position E Major Scale Notes on the GuitarBelow is a guitar fretboard chart with all of the notes in the key of E in the open position.Open Position E Major Scale – Notes & Guitar TablatureBelow you will find the standard notation for a E major scale with the fingering to use underneath on the top staff. Then on the bottom staff you will find the tablature and note names.Just like with the keys of D and A there are 2 different versions below. The top on stays in first position with you using your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th frets.The 2nd version shift up to the 2nd position with open strings and uses your 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th frets. There are also two shifts back to the 1st position for the D# note on the 1st fret of the 4th stings, and G# note on the 1st fret of the 3rd string. Subaltern theory.
So you end up playing 2 notes in a row with your first finger on 2 different strings. This can be a little awkward, but worth getting used to.E Major Scale Open Position – Version 1E Major Scale Open Position – Version 2Guitar Lesson DownloadsBelow is a PDF with the scale charts and tablature for this guitar lesson.(Right Click the links below and choose “Save As” or “Save Target As” or “Download Linked Files As”)DAP errMsgTemplate=”LONG” PDF Music Stand Printout/DAPIf you would like to learn how these open position major scales for guitar are used to create different bass runs to connect chords, be sure and check out my course. There is an entire chapter dedicated to that.Filed Under.