Isakmp: Callback: No Sa Found For
Are you 100% sure the Juniper has phase1 and phase2 established? If they are the tunnels are being torn down, than I would review and post the fortigate side configurations to include the lifetime settings ( bytes or time ) I would also execute show security ike security-associations and show security ipsec security-associations on the juniper side of things.
I have configured a VPN(GRE tunnel) between my location and a remote location.I m able to ping the remote location.Also the 'tracert' command shows me favourable result.Can anyone tell me some other ways to test wheather the VPN(tunnel) is working fine i.e some debug or show commands.Input:I used the command 'sh crypto isakmp sa' and it did'nt showed me any connection id etc.Also if i use command 'sh crypto engine connections active',it shows me no active connections.This created a doubtin my mind wheather the VPN is configured properly or not. Kapil,I've seen some IOS versions that when doing a 'show crypto engine connections active' didnt show any active tunnels, but this was cosmetic. You can do a 'show crypto ipsec sa' and what your looking for is your tunnel that you've defined with encrypted/decrypted packets. This counter should increase when pinging.Unfortunately, the information you provided isn't enough to determine if you have a configuration problem. From what you did provide, the only thing that I would remove is your third transform set 'ah-md5-hmac'. But since your doing gre/ipsec, there is alot more information needed to find out if at least the configuration should be working. Need to see your routes, routing table, access-list, your NAT(if your running any), pretty much the whole configuration as well as the peers configuration.
Isakmp: Callback: No Sa Found For Skin
Va car hits the ultimate collection-5cd video. Otherwise there is just too little information to make any determination.Kurtis Durrett.