Arma 3 Survival Mode
Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.
The following instructions will guide you through setting up an ARMA 3 server on 1 box in just 10 steps, and it will also set the foundations for installing multiple servers on that same box. Video TutorialOur friends over at have been kind enough to create this video tutorial for the guide. It covers all the steps on setting up an ARMA 3 server listed below.ARMA 3 Server Setup Steps 1. Install the latest version of 2. Create necessary empty directoriesBelow are two example directory names we will use for this guide.D:SteamD:ArmaServers 3. DownloadSave it to your newly created Steam install directory ( D:Steam) 4. Run the steamcmd.exe fileThis will download and install the required steam files to your custom Steam directory.
Create an file and save it to D:SteamHere’s a sample Arma3Server.cmd you can use:To create this file, simply paste the text below in a text editor and save the file as ‘Arma3Server.cmd’.@echo off@rem ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION:: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your installSET STEAMLOGIN= mylogin mypasswordSET A3serverBRANCH= 233780 -beta:: For stable use 233780 -beta:: For Dev use 233780 -beta development:: Note, the missing qotation marks, these need to be wrapped around the entire '+appdata.' :: There is no DEV branch data yet for Arma 3 Dedicated Server package!!!SET A3serverPath = C:ArmaServersNewServerSET STEAMPATH = C:Steam:: echo.echo You are about to update ArmA 3 serverecho Dir:%A3serverPath%echo Branch:%A3serverBRANCH%echo.echo Key 'ENTER' to proceedpause%STEAMPATH%steamcmd.exe +login%STEAMLOGIN% +forceinstalldir%A3serverPath% +'appupdate%A3serverBRANCH%' validate +quitecho.echo Your ArmA 3 server is now up to dateecho key 'ENTER' to exitpause 6. Run the Arma3Server.cmd fileJust after logging into Steam, the console window will hang and ask for a validation key.
Financial Survival Mode
Steam will have automatically sent you an email with this validation code, which you then need to input at the command prompt. The Update console window should then continue to run and install ARMA3 DEV or STABLEversion to the target directory as defined in the.cmd file) eg (D:GamesArmA3A3Master)Then, rename D:ArmaServersnewserver to a descriptive name for your server, such as D:ArmaServersClanServer. Create a shortcut for the ArmA3Server.exe on the server desktopThis shortcut will be used to run the server. Add the following parameters to the Target Line in the shortcut tab of the newly created desktop shortcutTo access the target line, right click on the shortcut icon and click Properties. Add the following text to the end of the Target Line.port=2302 (Required if running multiple server instances including any previous ARMA2 instances) sure it looks similar to the following:'D:ArmaServersClanServerarma3server.exe' -profiles=ArmaHosts -port=2302 -config=serverserver.cfg -world=empty -name=ArmaHosts -noSound -noSplash -noPause -loadMissionToMemory -autoInit -enableHT 9. Open the ports in your firewall.
Arma 3 Survival Mode Highest Round
2302-2305 UDP Incoming (Game Server Ports). 2302-2305 UDP Outgoing (Game Server Ports. 2344 TCP & UDP Outgoing (Battleye Ports)10. Create a simple Notepad document called “” and save it to a new folder in the root of your ARMA3 install on the server (D:ArmaServersClanServerserver)You’re done! Now, just start up your shortcut. You should see a console pop up in your desktop after a few seconds.If you’ve reached here, you should now have a fully running ARMA 3 server! Accessing Administrative CommandsLogin to your server using the password you defined in server.cfg by typing “/” to open the chat window and then type (#login ADMINPASSWORD) followed by enter.Make sure you never forget the ‘#’ in front of any server command!Once logged in you will be presented with a mission list.
Just select one of the missions to start the game.